Jonathan Uliel Saldanha

Superfície Desordem
Publisher: Galeria Municipal do Porto / Ágora - Cultura e Desporto, E.M. & Mousse Publishing
Dimensions: 21 x 15.6 x 2.6 cm

Parallel to the exhibition Surface Disorder, by Jonathan Uliel Saldanha, curated by João Laia, the project is now materialised in a publication that extends the thoughts, reflections and memories of the exhibition.


Co-published by Mousse Publishing and designed by Dayana Lucas, the book features contributions from the artist and curator, as well as various national and international authors with whom Saldanha has collaborated.


Texts by: Amy Ireland, Ben Woodard, Benjamin Brejon, Declan Morl, Diogo Dória, Diogo Tudela, Frederico Duarte, Godofredo Pereira, Gonçalo Guiomar, Inigo Wilkins, João Laia, Jonathan Uliel Saldanha, José Bragança de Miranda, Manuel Neto, Pedro Faro, Sara Antónia Matos


Exhibition & Book Partnership: Galerias Municipais – Lisboa Cultura

Book Partnership: Duarte Sequeira

Editors: João Laia & Jonathan Uliel Saldanha

Editorial Coordination: Patrícia Coelho, Tiago Dias dos Santos

Design: Dayana Lucas  

Translation: Cláudia Gonçalves, Manuel Neto, Martin Dale

Copy-editing and Proofreading: Cláudia Gonçalves, Patrícia Coelho

Printing Production: Forward Consulting

Print: Gráfica Maiadouro


© 2024 

Jonathan Uliel Saldanha: Superfície Desordem
€ 18.00