Vanessa da Silva at La Casa Encendida

At La Casa Encendida

Artist Vanessa da Silva is included in this year´s Inéditos Project Exhibition at La Casa Encedida, curated by Aina Pomar Cloquell. 


Devenir isla is an exhibition project that uses the concept of the archipelago to explore forms of interaction among groups and fluid boundaries, among identities, communities and individuals. By applying archipelagic thinking, the show investigates the resignification of ideas related to community, the individual, territoriality and identity from fluid, hybrid and ongoing perspectives.


Participating artists include: Alberta Whittle, Paulo Arraiano, Ángela Jiménez Durán, Fuentesal & Arenillas, Carolina Grilo Santos, Vanessa da Silva and Lotte Andersen


May 28, 2022
of 75