Petros Moris in Residency

At Delfina Foundation, London

For Delfina Foundation´s open online studios, Petros Moris presents the project Future Bestiary (Kerameikos) and the third issue of AM zine, PROPHECY.


Future Bestiary (Kerameikos) is a body of previously-unreleased video-projection sculptures that articulate the entanglements between subterranean memory and the mythical, social and technological construct of the future.


PROPHECY is the latest edition of AM, a periodical zine produced by Petros Moris and Lito Kattou since late 2018. Each issues features a thematic anthology of literature, poetry and theory texts which exist in the public domain, with origins spanning from antiquity to the mid 20th century.

Mar 2, 2020
of 74