André Butzer

At Museo Novecento, Florence

Liebe, Glaube und Hoffnung 

Museo Novecento, Florence

1 March – 9 June 2024


Museo Novecento will host a substantial exhibition dedicated to André Butzer. Organised alongside a further solo exhibition at Museo Stefano Bardini, »… und der Tod ist auch ein Leben.«, these two presentations constitute the artist’s first institutional solo exhibitions in Italy and allow visitors to explore Butzer’s whole artistic career.

Liebe, Glaube und Hoffnung will be hosted in the Museo Novecento’s former Leopoldine complex and will bring together 30 works covering the artist’s career. The selection emphasises several recurring and interconnected themes in Butzer’s oeuvre – life and death, perishing and rebirth, hope and despair, truth and falseness – and will be completed by new works created specifically for the exhibition. Among these is a monumental canvas, Untitled (Sternenmadonna), 2023, which will be placed in the space designed for the altarpiece inside the Renaissance building’s former chapel. 

Mar 1, 2024
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