Petros Moris

At PPC Historic Electric Steam Power Station of Neo Faliro

Petros Moris participates in the group exhibition "This Current Between Us", curated by Panos Gianikopoulos and Georgia Liapi and organised by Eleni Kalara.


Current Between Us” is a group exhibition held at PPC Historic Electric Steam Power Station of Neo Faliro, the first steam-electric power station in Greece. Opening to the public, the power station welcomes visitors to previously inaccessible areas of the industrial complex, a unique site of the Greek industrial cultural heritage.


The exhibition examines the factory as a centre for the production of both power and materials, and moreover views it as a social model, a system for the organisation of space and human – and nonhuman – life, an architectural management of existing relationships and a generator of new ones. The electricity factory is at the same time a desire factory, as the generation of desire supercharges power production. The artists respond to the past and present of the building by following the sensorial resonances of the facility and fragments of personal stories, immersing themselves in interactions of the act of remembrance and its physical sediment. The constant presence and flow of electrical charge is connecting and disrupting. In the present moment, electric current induces words and views – charges, tensions, attractions and repulsions.


The exhibition brings to light rich material from the historical archives of the PPC, in dialogue with site-specific works by an international group of artists, including painting, sculpture, installation, video, sound and performance.


For this, Moris presents a sculptural work, "Columns (Subterranean Network)", along two etchings "Vector 50031" and "Vector 50308", that respond to the past and present of the building.


Exhibition duration:

Friday, December 16, 2022 – Sunday, March 12, 2023



Dec 16, 2022
of 75