Group Show: An Act of Choice

May 12 - Jun 17, 2023 Seoul

Louis Appleby — Lim Kaye — Haeji Min

An Act of Choice is a group exhibition that brings together the works of Louis Appleby, Lim Kaye and Haeji Min; three artists who share a keen attention to detail through abstraction and figuration.

The exhibition explores the act of looking and the idea of going beyond our familiar surroundings, while delving into the relationship between self-awareness, organic and technological bodies, and the impact of sociopolitical events. Haeji Min's artistic practice revolves around the dialogue between external stimuli and self-awareness, while also addressing significant social issues. Her subjects range from everyday observations to depictions of social, political, and natural crises. Meanwhile, Louis Appleby's intricate paintings are created by breaking down and rearranging elements to create disconcerting compositions that reflect the current turbulent social environment through the lens of technological bodies. Lim Kaye's paintings, on the other hand, delve into the materiality of the symbolic world, exploring the consumerist obsession with high-level details and textures, while bringing an eternal sense of the overall object portrayed by classical still life painting.

The title of the exhibition is inspired by John Berger´s writing in "Ways of Seeing" where he mentions that "We only see what we look at. To look is an act of choice."

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